corporate culture
The culture of a company is not something abstract. It’s what will result in products, services, reports, information that the organization will offer over time.
For this reason we have given fundamental importance to the identification of the VALUES that were representative of this corporate phase.
They were defined through a participatory process of all employees of the company. Reasoning, comparisons, choices were the contribution of each participant of the organization.
Our Charter of Values is the fruit of the principles, values and desires that every employee of the company has suggested during the process that has allowed its drafting.
This has created the strong belief that these values will be an excellent “compass” to navigate all together towards future challenges.
The culture of the company is made up of these values and the behaviors influenced by them, but it is also completed with rules, processes, procedures and examples that characterize our actions.
A.ST.I.M Srl is aware of all this and its importance. For this reason the commitment is to have a company culture in continuous development and development, strong of its core principles but open to interpret new needs.