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The protection of strategic coastal and offshore installations is one of the main contexts for which SeaGuardian VTMS (Vessel Traffic Management System) has been developed and in which it is operating. A single framework, THERMONAV® powered, that can handle multiple hardware and software modules within a secure network of sensor and collaborative control rooms, capable of providing real time information to various entities in charge of port security.
Access control system, perimeter security, detection, classification and tracking of radar, AIS and sonar target, CBRN sensors and CCTV systems are just some of nodes of SeaGuardian VTMS.
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Radar, AIS, sonar, meteo station and IR/TV technology are the core of sensors suite of this system. It has designed to manage vessel traffic in ports, harbors, rivers and coastal areas. When installed in coastal zone SeaGuardian VTMS can provides accurate detection, tracking and identification of small and high-speed targets and it can generate automatic alarms if the target approach restricted area. SeaGuardian VTMS is the best solution for security and surveillance of fish farms and in Oil & Gas installations and renewable energies farms, it supports security, safety of life, and protection of the environment and assets. SeaGuardian VTMS is compliant with all the international requirements (IMO, ITU, IEC, and IALA).
- Multiple sensor and devices management
- No limit of control stations interconnected
- IR/TV video, metadata and image tools
- Radar video, metadata, image and AIS data tools
- Data fusion and target representation by proprietary or IALA standard icon
- Sonar (OSD or intrusion detection) video, metadata and image tools
- Video tracking, radar/AIS tracking and sonar tracking tools
- Automatic alarms if the target approach restricted area and non-lethal weapons management
- Drone detection, classification and neutralization
- Collaboration and data sharing between control rooms and patrol/SAR boats