A.ST.I.M. welcomed in His city the delegation headed by General Giuseppe Paglialonga

It was a honor for A.ST.I.M, last Friday, to receive the visit of the General Giuseppe Paglialonga, President of the Atlantic Club of Bologna; with him a delegation composed by board of directors of the regional organism, coordinated by the Italian Atlantic Committee engaged for over 60 years in research, training and information on foreign policy, security and international economy related to the Atlantic Alliance and the role of NATO in particular.

During the guided visit , Maurizio Minghelli, A.ST.I.M.’s  CEO also member of the directors Council of the Club, has illustrated to the delegation the developed systems for coast monitoring, operating centers for sensitive site’s guard , such as airport, port facilities, or devices for  search and rescue SAR activities.

Earlier, after a guided tour of the city’s monuments, as the Basilica of San Vitale, the General Paglialonga and other members of the Club were received at the town council by the Councilor for Productive Activities of the Municipality of Ravenna, Massimo Cameliani.
